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2016 Scenic Road Run RESULTS

Page history last edited by jypsy (Alex & janet) 8 years ago

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Prince Edward Island RoadRunners Club


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Race Results


























Desmond Baglole Scenic Road Run

Millvale , Prince Edward Island

15 km / 9.32055 Miles


Pos. Runner's Name Sex # Age Race Time Pace
1 Mike MacKinnon Male 199 43 56:55 6:06 3:47
2 Calvin DesRoches Male 95 54 1:01:29 6:35 4:05
3 Rob Livingstone Male 916 27 1:02:00 6:39 4:08
4 Alex Bain Male 30 28 1:03:34 6:49 4:14
5 Dennis Gallant Male 220 50 1:06:45 7:09 4:27
6 Sean McCormick Male 900 46 1:06:46 7:09 4:27
7 Edwin Gillis Male 906 52 1:07:02 7:11 4:28
8 Keith Baglole Male 909 31 1:07:49 7:16 4:31
9 Scott Clark Male 915 52 1:08:31 7:21 4:34
10 Samuel Peterson Male 280 15 1:08:45 7:22 4:34
11 Leo McCosham Male 921 52 1:10:41 7:35 4:42
12 Chris Murphy Male 385 45 1:10:59 7:36 4:43
13 Gary Simmonds Male 13 57 1:13:06 7:50 4:52
14 Mike Peterson Male 34 44 1:13:06 7:50 4:52
15 Leanne Vessey Female 925 30 1:13:15 7:51 4:53
16 Jessica Frizzell Female 347 28 1:14:19 7:58 4:57
17 Michael Irvine Male 155 58 1:14:39 8:00 4:58
18 Chris Buote Male 918 2 1:14:45 8:01 4:59
19 Jocelyn Peterson Female 281 39 1:15:03 8:03 5:00
20 Eddy Bacon Male 913 40 1:17:01 8:15 5:08
21 David Forsythe Male 922 58 1:17:48 8:20 5:11
22 Shawn Shea Male 923 59 1:18:01 8:22 5:12
23 Pam Power-McKenna Female 108 58 1:18:04 8:22 5:12
24 Stephanie Barry-Benedik Female 919 33 1:18:26 8:24 5:13
25 Pat Ellis Female 920 60 1:19:55 8:34 5:19
26 John Van Ekris Male 15 50 1:20:11 8:36 5:20
27 Harry Bilicki Male 905 60 1:20:57 8:41 5:23
28 Francis Fagan Male 924 66 1:21:31 8:44 5:26
29 Matt Praught Male 168 31 1:22:04 8:48 5:28
30 Todd Miller Male 917 44 1:23:36 8:58 5:34
31 Andy McQueen Male 131 51 1:24:17 9:02 5:37
32 Jonathan Baglole Male 288 9 1:25:17 9:09 5:41
33 Steven Baglole Male 107 40 1:25:19 9:09 5:41
34 Chris Doucette Male 908 34 1:26:16 9:15 5:45
35 Wayne Gairns Male 63 62 1:28:24 9:29 5:53
36 Nancy Morris Female 85 49 1:28:27 9:29 5:53
37 Cindy Howard Female 910 45 1:28:37 9:30 5:54
38 Gemma Koughan Female 907 47 1:28:41 9:30 5:54
39 Judy West Female 10 63 1:29:23 9:35 5:57
40 Gordon McCarville Male 55 60 1:32:31 9:55 6:10
41 Odette Gallant Female 225 48 1:33:36 10:02 6:14
42 Rene Tremblay Male 911 56 1:34:01 10:05 6:16
43 Barb DesRoches Female 159 47 1:34:20 10:07 6:17
44 Sara Purcell Female 902 44 1:34:53 10:10 6:19
45 Colin MacKay Male 901 23 1:34:53 10:10 6:19
46 Rick West Male 9 69 1:35:54 10:17 6:23
47 Paul Pickering Male 218 62 1:38:06 10:31 6:32
48 Terri Richard Female 370 45 1:39:10 10:38 6:36
49 Treena Hann Female 903 5 1:40:11 10:44 6:40
50 Allana Toole Female 904 4 1:40:11 10:44 6:40
51 Cathy VanIderstine Female 200 0 1:40:47 10:48 6:43
52 Bethany Lucas Female 867 45 1:40:55 10:49 6:43
53 Krissie Adams Female 396 32 1:43:55 11:08 6:55
54 Lynn Anne Hogan Female 66 40 1:46:55 11:28 7:07
55 Ronda Bellefontaine Female 912 54 1:47:08 11:29 7:08
56 Kevin McCarville Male 192 58 1:47:55 11:34 7:11
57 Peter Meggs Male 914 66 1:53:38 12:11 7:34

PEI RoadRunners Club - c/o Sport PEI, 40 Enman Crescent Charlottetown, PE C1E 1E6

"Encouraging Islanders to Adopt an Active Healthy Lifestyle!!"

"You'll Enjoy the Race - No Matter What Your Pace!!"




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