
2016 St Patricks Day Run 5K RESULTS

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Race Results




St. Patrick's Day 5K

Charlottetown , Prince Edward Island

5 km / 3.10685 Miles


Pos. Runner's Name Sex # Age Race Time Pace
1 Ryan Merrett Male 466 18 18:34 5:58 3:42
2 Jeff MacKenzie Male 394 26 19:44 6:21 3:56
3 Kent Barrett Male 369 48 21:56 7:03 4:23
4 Jonathan Gallant Male 386 22 21:57 7:03 4:23
5 Luc Gallant Male 222 15 22:12 7:08 4:26
6 Dennis Gallant Male 220 50 22:13 7:09 4:26
7 Raeona Lacey Female 471 49 27:08 8:44 5:25
8 David Varis Male 474 61 28:03 9:01 5:36
9 Eric Deveau Male 472 55 29:02 9:20 5:48
10 Odette Gallant Female 225 48 29:16 9:25 5:51
11 Cathy VanIderstine Female 200 0 31:03 9:59 6:12
12 Loretta Van Ekris Female 299 49 31:08 10:01 6:13
13 Rose Murphy Chevarie Female 140  
31:24 10:06 6:16
14 Jeff Hughes Male 479 32 33:05 10:38 6:36
15 Ellen Fagan Female 480 30 33:44 10:51 6:44
16 Karen Shepherd Female 477 46 37:53 12:11 7:34
17 Shalene Roach Female 476 28 41:35 13:23 8:18
18 Michael Varis Male 473 18 45:40 14:41 9:07

PEI RoadRunners Club - c/o Sport PEI, 40 Enman Crescent Charlottetown, PE C1E 1E6

"Encouraging Islanders to Adopt an Active Healthy Lifestyle!!"

"You'll Enjoy the Race - No Matter What Your Pace!!"



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